Bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india


Using solar power is great for the earth and for us. It doesn’t pollute the air or contribute to a hotter climate. Plus, it saves us money on electricity. However, building a solar power plant is neither cheap nor easy. In this article, we’ll discuss how to secure funding from banks for bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india, and we’ll explore the positive and negative aspects of this process.

Bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india

Bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india

A solar power plant is where you can create electricity using sunlight. It has stuff like solar panels, inverters, batteries, and more to turn sunlight into power. You can install these plants on rooftops, the ground, or even on water, depending on the space and resources you have.

Getting a bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india is good for the environment and the economy because:

  • It reduces harmful gases and pollution by using less coal and oil, helping the Earth and air.
  • It saves water and land compared to other power plants that generate heat or use water.
  • It creates jobs and provides money for people living near and working in solar power plants.
  • It makes energy safer and more reliable by using various power sources, reducing dependence on other countries.
  • It helps people in remote areas access clean and affordable power.

Solar energy is one of the best renewable energy sources in India. The government aims to generate around 750 GW of solar power, but as of March 2023, only about 40 GW has been produced. The government’s National Solar Mission aims to achieve 100 GW of solar power by 2022. To encourage more people to use solar power, the government has implemented rules and incentives.

Benefits of Getting a bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india:

  • Affordable Interest Rates: Bank loans for solar power plants come with lower interest rates compared to other financing methods like equity, debt, or crowdfunding. This is because solar projects are considered less risky and more profitable. Interest rates typically range from 8% to 12% per year, depending on factors like the size, location, and type of solar power plant, as well as your creditworthiness.
  • Extended Repayment Period: Bank loans for solar power plants offer a longer time to pay back, resulting in smaller monthly payments and improved cash flow. The repayment period, usually spanning 10 to 15 years, depends on the effectiveness and duration of the solar power plant, as well as the terms set by the bank.
  • Tax Advantages: Bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india come with tax benefits under the Income Tax Act of 1961. You can deduct the cost of the solar power plant from your income, leading to reduced tax liability. In the first year, you can deduct 40% of the plant’s cost, followed by 20% in the subsequent years. Additionally, you can deduct the interest paid on the loan, up to 1.5 lakh rupees per year, as per Section 80EEA.

Government Support for Solar Power Plants:

  • Capital Subsidy: The government provides a helping hand by offering a capital subsidy. For rooftop solar power plants up to 500 kW, you can receive a 30% refund, up to 50 lakh rupees. The MNRE will process the payment through SNAs or SECI after verifying your project.
  • Generation-Based Incentive: You can earn 0.25 rupees for each kWh produced, up to 1.5 lakh rupees annually, for rooftop solar power plants up to 10 kW. The MNRE will compensate you through SNAs or SECI, based on your project’s meter readings.
  • Accelerated Depreciation: Solar power plants under the corporate or commercial category can benefit from saving 80% of the money in the first year, as per the Income Tax Act of 1961. This accelerates your returns and reduces tax payments.
  • Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Solar power makers receive RECs from the MNRE, which can be sold in the market or to groups obligated to use renewable sources under the Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) mechanism. RECs boost earnings for solar power producers and aid groups in complying with regulations.
  • Net Metering: The MNRE allows net metering for rooftop solar power plants. This allows you to send excess power to the grid, draw power when needed, and pay only for the difference. Net metering policies and prices vary among states, depending on the regulations set by State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs).

Challenges and Risks of Getting a Bank Loan for a Solar Power Plant:

While securing a bank loan for your solar power project comes with advantages that make it more affordable and efficient, it’s crucial to be aware of potential problems and risks:

  • High Collateral Requirement: Typically, bank loans for solar power plants demand significant collateral or security, which could be tangible assets like land, buildings, or machinery, or liquid assets such as cash, bank guarantees, or insurance. The collateral needed varies based on factors like your credit score, the size and type of the solar power plant, and the bank’s requirements. Generally, collateral requirements range from 50% to 100% of the loan amount.
  • Strict Eligibility Criteria: Obtaining a bank loan for a solar power plant involves passing various tests that assess your financial status, creditworthiness, project plan, technology, and environmental impact. You must provide numerous documents and proofs, including tax records, bank statements, financial reports, project details, pricing information, permissions, and certificates.
  • Long and Complex Process: The process of securing a bank loan for a solar power plant is lengthy and involves multiple stages, such as application, document submission, assessment, rating, approval, disbursement, monitoring, and repayment. The duration can vary depending on both the bank and your circumstances. Additionally, there may be extra costs involved, like processing fees, rating fees, legal fees, inspection fees, and early payment fees, making the loan potentially more expensive.

Given these considerations, it’s essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of a bank loan for a solar power plant. Compare it with other financing options, such as equity, debt, or crowdfunding, and seek advice from financial or solar experts to make an informed decision on the right loan and the right bank for your solar project.

Qualification and Steps for a Bank Loan for Solar Power Plant:

If you run a small or medium-sized business and want to set up a solar power plant for your needs, you can apply for a bank loan for a MW solar power plant. Some banks offering such loans include SBI, Bank of Baroda, and ADB.

To secure funds from the bank for your solar power plant, follow these steps:

  • Identify Target Group: Determine the users of your solar power, whether they are factories, shops, schools, or homes. Understand the demand for solar power in your area.
  • Determine Loan Amount: Calculate the total funds required for your solar power plant, covering expenses for purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance. The loan amount you can receive depends on the size and type of your solar power plant, as well as the bank’s policies. For instance, SBI offers up to Rs. 4 Crores for solar power plants up to 1 MW.
  • Establish Margin: Be prepared to contribute a portion of the total funds from your own pocket. This is known as the margin and typically ranges from 20% to 30%, depending on the bank and your financial profile.
  • Provide Collateral: Offer the bank something of value that they can claim if you are unable to repay the loan. This could be land, a building, machinery, or any other valuable asset. The value of the collateral should be at least equal to the loan amount sanctioned by the bank.

Process of Applying for a Bank Loan for Solar Power Plant:

  • Document Submission: Provide necessary documents to the bank, including your project plan, studies, details, financial documents, tax papers, ID papers, and more. The bank might request additional papers like those confirming your ability to sell excess power, grid connection approval, and environmental certifications.
  • Appraisal: The bank will evaluate your plan and financial capacity, considering the documents and possibly conducting a site visit. They will assess if your solar power plant can generate sufficient power and income while complying with industry regulations. Verification will also confirm the authenticity and quality of your submitted documents.
  • Sanction: If the bank approves of your plan and financial standing, they will grant you the loan and communicate the terms and conditions. This includes details such as the loan amount, interest rate, repayment period, grace period, collateral requirements, etc. It’s essential to agree to these terms and commit to following them.
  • Disbursement: The bank will release the loan amount in stages based on the progress of your project. Payments will be made directly to the sellers or manufacturers of the solar equipment. Ensure you provide the bank with bills, receipts, invoices, and other evidence of the completed work to facilitate smooth disbursement.

Pros and Cons of Taking a bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india:

Pros (Good Things):

  • Clean and Green Energy: Generating solar power contributes to a cleaner environment by reducing air pollution, cooling the climate, and ensuring cleaner water and less noise. Additionally, it helps create jobs and generate income in the solar power sector.
  • Cost Savings and Earnings: Utilizing solar power can lead to significant savings on electricity bills, offering a stable alternative to grid power fluctuations. You can also earn money by selling excess power to the grid or other consumers. Government and bank support can provide additional financial benefits and tax assistance.
  • Energy Security and Independence: Having your power source ensures a constant power supply, even during grid failures. It also allows you to rely less on other, potentially more expensive power sources.

Cons (Challenges and Risks):

  • Technical Feasibility: Ensuring that your solar power plant functions effectively involves considering factors like sunlight availability, weather conditions, land quality, grid compatibility, equipment quality, and workforce expertise.
  • Financial Viability: Assessing the financial viability of your solar power plant requires careful consideration of expenses, operational costs, interest rates, depreciation, tax benefits, government support, and market prices.
  • Regulatory Framework: Adhering to the rules and regulations of the solar power sector is crucial. Obtaining necessary approvals and clearances from authorities like the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, State Nodal Agency, State Electricity Regulatory Commission, and Distribution Company is essential.
  • Market Demand: Ensuring a market for your solar power involves understanding the power needs and preferences of consumers, considering competition from other energy sources, and adjusting factors like pricing and quality accordingly.

Additional Challenges:

  • Competition: Dealing with competition from other solar power producers and alternative energy sources like coal, gas, water, and wind. Differentiating your product with factors like low cost, high quality, and trustworthiness is essential.
  • Risks: Mitigating risks such as technical failures, adverse weather conditions, theft, damage, legal changes, market fluctuations, and other uncertainties. Developing contingency plans helps minimize these risks.

While obtaining a bank loan for a solar power plant comes with challenges, the positive impacts on the environment, potential cost savings, and energy independence make it a valuable investment. Careful planning and consideration of both the advantages and challenges are essential for a successful solar power venture.


In conclusion, opting for a bank loan for 1 mw solar power plant in india is a wise and beneficial decision. If you’re interested in entering the solar power sector and embracing clean, renewable energy, obtaining a bank loan is a smart move. However, it’s crucial to carefully consider, plan, and take appropriate actions to navigate the potential risks and opportunities. Consulting with an expert and conducting thorough research before borrowing money for a solar power plant in India is highly recommended.


Q1. What is the typical timeline for securing a bank loan for a 1 MW solar power plant?
The timeline varies, but it usually takes several weeks to months, depending on documentation and approval processes.

Q2. Are there specific banks known for supporting solar projects in India?
Yes, some banks specialize in financing renewable energy projects. It’s crucial to research and choose a bank with experience in the field.

Q3. How do interest rates impact the overall cost of a solar project?
Higher interest rates can significantly increase the overall cost of the project, making it essential to explore favorable repayment strategies.

Q4. What government incentives are available for 1 MW solar power plants in India?
Subsidies, tax benefits, and support programs vary by region. It’s advisable to stay updated on government initiatives for the latest incentives.

Q5. Can small businesses or individuals apply for bank loans for solar projects?
Yes, banks often cater to a diverse range of clients. However, the approval process may vary based on the applicant’s financial stability and project feasibility.

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